Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Alan Roger Currie

The Dr. Vibe Show: Alan Roger Currie


Alan Roger Currie

Alan Roger Currie is author of three books who was referred to us by author Norwood Holland. He is the author of three books, “Mode One: Let The Women Know What You Are Really Thinking”,“Upfront and Straight Forward: Let The Manipulative Gameplayers Know What Your Are Really Thinking” and The Manipulative Gameplayers Know What Your Are Really Thinking” and “Ooh Say It Again … Mastering The Fine Art Of Verbal Seduction And Aural Sex” (most recent book). Roger’s goal is to help men approach women with more confidence and ultimately express their romantic and or sexual desires, interests and intentions with a high degree of confidence and straight forward honesty. He also hosts “Upfront and Straight Forward With Roger Currie” on Blog Talk Radio. Roger grew up and currently lives in Gary, Indiana and loves writing about dating and relationships

During our conversation, Roger talks about growing up in Gary, his parents what legacy did each of his parents left in him, his first venture into writing when was in the second grade (writing comic books with Black super heroes which he sold to friends) and how he picked up writing after he left it in high school until his first year of university). In his first year of university, he becoame writing a journal about the details about his intimacy moments with women which lead to start writing a book about his encounters and what his thoughts about them.

As the interview continues, Roger talks about how his brother has been an integral part of his success, he describes men’s four modes of verbal communication when approaching a woman he is interested in and how he came up with the different “modes” in October 1990, why he did not publish his first book for 15 1/2 years after first putting it on paper, the two forms of self publishing, who are his biggest fans and critics, some of what he has learned about women from his “research” and his thoughts about marriage.

Mode One Blog
Alan Roger Currie at the examiner.com
You Tube
@AlanRogerCurrie (Twitter)

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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  1. Cheers,

    My name is Frances Fomai, I’m the publicist for an international author from England, but is now based in Los Angeles. His name is Franq Ezenekwe. His best selling book called “When A Man Looks At A Woman” was featured on L.A. Talk Radio with Sam & Jen, and describes what men do with woman based on 3 Things: Her Looks, Personality & Lifestyle. There are also 40 marriage preparation questions that will make anyone cringe. We’d appreciate the opportunity to book Franq as a guest speaker on your publication. Here is a link to his website for more info: http://www.franq.com

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