Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Janali Davis And Robert Samuels Of “Ebony Toastmasters”

The Dr. Vibe Show: Janali Davis And Robert Samuels Of “Ebony Toastmasters”


Janali Davis and Robert Samuels are members of Ebony Toastmasters which based in Toronto. Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development.

Janali is from Jamaica and currently is an IT consultant.

Robert is also Jamaican born and has lived in Toronto in 1972. He had a good career as an amateur basketball player including playing in Europe for a period of time. At the present time, Robert is a member of the Toronto police force for 26 years and is married with two daughters.

During our chat, Janali and Robert discuss:

– A bit about their backgrounds
– How they find out about Toastmasters
– Their recall their first speech
– How being a member of Ebony Toastmasters has helped both of them
– Some Ebony Toastmasters success stories
– What goes on at an Ebony Toastmasters meeting
– The background on the founders of Ebony Toastmasters
– The importance of preparation when making a speech
– The future for Ebony Toastmasters
– Some public speaking tips

Ebony Toastmasters meeting are held each Monday at 6:45 p.m. eastern time.

To find out more about Ebony Toastmasters, go to:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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