Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDEOS The Dr.Vibe Show: Exerpt From The Movie "Sophisticated Romance"

The Dr.Vibe Show: Exerpt From The Movie "Sophisticated Romance"


Black men and Black women relationships are always a hot topic of conversation.Here is an exerpt from the movie 2007 movie “Sophisticated Romance”. The film is about “Najee and Jasmin both have their own lives…two individuals merely existing with their mates as they search for meaning and the true definition of LOVE… strike LOVE…there is no definition for love…why not settle for ROMANCE… …it’s a clear term, the POSSIBILITIES…of… SOPHISTICATED ROMANCE examines these “possibilities” in the lives of 2 couples as they explore the depths of their perplexing relationships and an attraction they now share for one other. But–What is attraction? What is commitment? What is truly possible when these two individuals meet? Filled with poetry, jazz, and mature characters, this ‘slice of life’ romance puts a spin on the mystery of male and female relationships.”Enjoy!!

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Vibe and Vegas
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