Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Chris Brown “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance...

The Dr. Vibe Show: Chris Brown “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance Of Net Netruality”


Chris Brown

Chris Brown was born in Jersey City in a challenging community and is from a two parent family. After graduating from high school, he went into the army where he served as a military officer at a prison facility. After serving in the military, Chris went back to school and studied law.

During our conversation, Chris talks about a report that he recently co-authored for the Greenling Institute titled, “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance Of Net Netruality”.

Chris discusses various topics including where his fascination with the internet came from, the Greenling Institute and how he became involved with Greenlining Institute, how “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance Of Net Netruality” became reality, “network neutrality”, why do ISPs (Internet Service Providers) want to control internet usage, some areas of concern and current battles in the area of the open internet, how ISPs continuing to misinform the general public about net neutrality has a negative effect on Blacks, Latinos and small businesses and what needs to happen to protect consumers net neutrality.

Chris also discusses about how his mother, grandmother and stepfather are his best friends and the turning point in his life (his daughter’s birth).

To read “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance Of Net Netruality” please click on the following link “Saving the Open Internet: The Importance Of Net Netruality”

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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