Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Janali Davis And Marlye Monfiston Of “Ebony Toastmasters”...

The Dr. Vibe Show: Janali Davis And Marlye Monfiston Of “Ebony Toastmasters” – “The Benefits Of Becoming A Better Speaker”

Marlye Monfiston
Marlye Monfiston
Janali Davis
Janali Davis

Recently, we had more members of Ebony Toastmasters on our show.

This episode features Maryle Monifiston and Janali Davis.

Maryle was born in Port au Prince, Haiti. She has a background in Law (Intellectual Property). Maryle recently started teaching at a French college in Toronto. Here interested include dancing, photography and writing. She has been a member of Ebony Toastmasters since 2006 and has been the president of Ebony Toastmaster since last July.

During our conversation Maryle and Ebony share:

– About the benefits of being a better speaker
– Is there a difference between speaking to and sharing with an audience?
– Some background on Barack Obama’s 2004 Democratic Party speech which had many people recognize him as a good speaker and how it brought him to worldwide attention
– How Bill Clinton developed as a great speaker
– what makes Barack Obama and Bill Clinton them great speakers
– Their personal testimonies on how becoming a better public speaker has helped them
– How do you know that your audience is engaged when you are delivering a speech?
– The toughest best speaking technique that each of them has overcome

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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