Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Rufus And Jenny Triplett “Prisonworld Magazine” and “Surviving...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Rufus And Jenny Triplett “Prisonworld Magazine” and “Surviving Marriage In The 21st Century: 13 Easy Tips That Can Help You Get to 20 Years and Beyond”

Rufus and Jenny Triplett

Rufus and Jenny Triplett are “changing the game” in every way possible. Not only are they one of very few professional husband and wife teams who do just about everything together, they have survived twenty plus years of marriage being attached at the hip.

Rufus Triplett, Jr., originally from Flint, Michigan, is a talented singer, songwriter and producer. He co-wrote, produced and toured for the platinum group Ready for the World in the late 80’s. He chose to broaden his horizons in the Marine Corps where he went to school for Culinary Arts. After relocating to Atlanta in the early 90’s he found a love for computers and has become a technology geek. Not only can he build them from scratch but he has become the “go to” guy for all of his family members.

Jenny Triplett, originally from Saginaw, Michigan, always aspired for a career in media. Starting out as an intern at a radio station, she established a relationship with several entertainers and Ready for the World where she went on to head their marketing outreach team. Jenny also chose to explore the military where she gained a wealth of knowledge and experience during her time in the United States Navy. After marrying Rufus and relocating to Atlanta she headed her own entertainment company for over 14 years. Their flourishing company was halted during the time Jenny dealt with a legal issue and a brief period of incarceration. The Triplett’s do not consider that a dark period in their lives because their marriage grew stronger and they bonded to the point where their relationship became unshakeable.

The Triplett’s now own Dawah International, LLC, a multimedia company, which publishes Prisonworld Magazine and are co-hosts of their own weekly radio show, the Prisonworld Radio Hour which airs on Mondays @ 6pm EST on The Prisonworld Radio Network. They also have a successful blog and are requested speakers for corporate functions, wellness retreats, webinars/teleseminars, correctional facilities, non-profit organizations, schools, colleges and universities, radio shows and print magazines.

Being parents of three boys, Michael, 23, Mosi, 21 and Miles 19, they know the trial and tribulations of not only raising children, but African-American men who could end up as stereotypes. They are passionate about family and detouring young men and women from the criminal justice system. Some of the subjects they speak about are dysfunctional families, substance abuse, entrepreneurship, marriage & relationships, self-conscious addictions, incarceration, stereotypes, social media influence, domestic violence & toxic relationships and the list goes on.

Now adding self-published co-authors and Amazon Best Sellers to their long list of accomplishments, “Surviving Marriage In The 21st Century: 13 Easy Tips that Can Help You Get to 20 years and Beyond,” released February 2013, is sparking the much needed conversation about marriage and that tips needed to survive the foundation and institution of the family that it has always been.

During our conversation, the Tripletts talk about:

– Why did each of them go to the Navy
– What the first few challenging years of marriage like and what got them through it including Jenny spending some time in prison
– The history behind Prisonworld Magazine , the radio, the blog, and the entrepreneur network for prisoners
– Some of the special moments that they have experienced
– Their thoughts about the current American prison system
– Why some many Black men are ending up in prison
– Why they are now focused youth inmates
– Their thoughts on the state of the Black the family and what need to be done to change this situation
– The story behind their book Surviving Marriage In The 21st Century: 13 Easy Tips That Can Help You Get to 20 Years and Beyond and what would they would like to achieve with it
– Their opinion on why marriage is on the decline
– The story behind them behind chosen as the 2012 Ebony Magazine Couple Of The Year
– Their wish and dream for their children
– Their future vision for “Prisonworld”
– How can we help “Prisonworld”
– Their message for Black men

You can connect with the Tripletts via:

Surviving Marriage In The 21st Century: 13 Easy Tips That Can Help You Get to 20 Years and Beyond
Rufus & Jenny Triplett – Surviving Marriage – Facebook
Our Marriage Tips – Twitter

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page at “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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