Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Thomas L. Ryer

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Thomas L. Ryer

Dr. Thomas L. Ryer

Dr. Thomas L. Ryer is a husband, dad, granddad, certified life coach, spiritual counselor, as well as Associate Pastor of Upon This Rock Ministries in Mount Vernon, New York. He is also CEO/Founder of Transitional Life Coach Spiritual Counseling LLC & Transitioning Into Society, Inc. Many are amazed with Dr. Ryer’s life story. It is one of the many hardships but a now triumphant story. His amazing transformation will touch you and ultimately change your life.

Dr. Ryer has working with various populations and organizations. Many have sought him to address issues that affect inner city youth particularly young men. Additionally, the reintegration community and the fatherhood initiative have called upon him to speak to youth regarding life skills. He is one of the leading consultants combating the issues of the youth of today.

Transitional Life Coach Spiritual Counseling LLC core principal is “Changing One Life at a Time”. Its goal is to assist individuals/groups with transforming their lives. They understand that change is not easy but is necessary in redefining and reinventing oneself.

Recently, Dr. Ryer was on our show. Some of the subjects that he talked about were:

– Going to prison for the first time at seventeen and being in prison two more times during his life and how he became a man in prison and how he has turned stumble blocks into stepping stones
– What did his mother instill in the seven kids
– Some of his prison experience and his journey of knowledge and self growth
– The loss of his first wife to terminal cancer and remarrying
– His relationship with his mother (the rock in his life)
– What would his life be like if he had a father and how has it impacted his life
– why educating himself has not been challenging
– The message he shares with troubled youth
– What has his life meant to him

You can contact Dr. Ryer via:

Phone: (631) 509-1435

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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