Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Ernest Owens

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Ernest Owens

Ernest Owens

Ernest Owens is an award-winning journalist and editor for Philadelphia Magazine’s G Philly and CEO of Ernest Media Empire, LLC. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he covers a variety of social issues regarding race, LGBTQ, politics, and pop culture. As a Black gay journalist, his extensive reporting on racism in the LGBTQ community garnered national attention as he revealed acts of discrimination in Philadelphia’s Gayborhood.

At 26 years old, Ernest has already used his growing platform to advocate for media diversity and inclusion. He serves on the boards of Philadelphia Community Access Media and the Pen & Pencil Club, the nation’s oldest press club. His work has been featured on CNN, NPR, NBC News, USA Today, BET, and other media outlets. He’s a member of the Online News Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). He was named the 2016 Trailblazer of the Year by the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists and won the 2017 James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism for his coverage on racial discrimination in the LGBTQ community, among other honors. He was named the 2017 Emerging Journalist of the Year by the National Association of Black Journalists. He can be found online at ernestowens.com and followed on Twitter at @MrErnestOwens.

Recently, Ernest was on our show. During our conversation, he talked about:

– Him being on a new podcast (For Colored Boyz), why he decided to get involved with podcasting and how much work it takes
– His memories of this year’s NABJ Annual conference in Detroit including him winning two awards
– Other than him winning two awards what made this NABJ annual conference different than the other two he has attended
– How did the media deal with Black journalists at the conference and the need for diversity in newsrooms
– Jesse Jackson’s speech at this year’s NABJ conference
– His thoughts on: Omarosa, the lack of the Democratic party ignoring young Black leaders, if Blacks can really be conservative and the use of labels in politics and society
– The state of Black America

You can find more about Ernest via:

For Colored Boyz

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
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Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
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2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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