Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Crystal Zheng “Black Lives Matter: How Should Asian...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Crystal Zheng “Black Lives Matter: How Should Asian Americans Answer The Call?”


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Crystal Zheng is an infectious disease physician currently working in New Orleans. She identifies as Chinese American: Her parents are Chinese immigrants but she was born and raised in Northern Virginia. Her schooling has taken her across the US, including California, Philadelphia, and New York, but she has chosen to remain in New Orleans because of the vibrancy of its people and its great medical need. She is a strong advocate for social justice, particularly when it intersects with medicine.

Recently, Ms. Zheng was live on our show talking about her article Black Lives Matter: How should Asian Americans answer the call?.

During our conversation, Ms. Zheng talked about:

– Some of her background including her parents stressing education when she was growing up but not wanting her to get into medicine
– A challenging moment during her medical studies
– Becoming a social activist and getting arrested during a protest for trespassing
– The story behind the article
– What should Officer Tou Thao, the Minneapolis police officer who watched as George Floyd was pinned to death by his fellow officer Derek Chauvin, have done
– Many Asian Americans staying on the sidelines while many Black Americans have been killed by the police
– Many Asian Americans raising up white supremacy and the “model minority myth”
– Her still hearing Asian Americans being racist towards Black Americans and a reason why it continues
– Writing the article and some of the criticism that she has received
– In the light of the current political climate in America, how are Asian Americans dealing with racism
– Her parents reaction to her social justice

You contact Ms. Zheng via:

The Lens

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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