Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Catherine Hernandez – Artistic Director – B Current...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Catherine Hernandez – Artistic Director – B Current Performing Arts “Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers And Little Brothers”


To listen to our conversation with Ms. Hernandez, please click on the “>” symbol that is above the video image of this post.

One day you’re gonna be the one driving and a police officer is gonna pull you over. Cause they can. So they will. When that happens, what are you gonna do?

February 26, 2012, Florida. A 17-year-old Black boy wearing a hoodie leaves a 7/11 carrying a bag of Skittles and an iced tea. He never makes it home. Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers invites us into one teen’s now-infamous last moments, and his intricate dance to the afterlife.

Written by Makambe K. Simamba and presented by b current performing arts, Our Fathers builds a space for the Black community to grieve together and interrogates the relationship between personal tragedy and community anguish. Our Fathers was developed with the support of Alberta Theatre Projects and runs at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre April 11 to 18, 2019.

Catherine Hernandez

Recently, we had a conversation with Catherine Hernandez, Artistic Director, B Current Performing Arts about the play Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers And Little Brothers.

During our conversation, Ms. Hernandez talked about:

– Some of her background including how she got into artistic world and she became the artistic director of B Current Performing Arts
– The story behind Our Fathers, Sons, Love And Little Brothers and what it is about
– Some special moments from the production
– Some of her thoughts about the incidents of unarmed Black people killed by the police and the state of race and gender relations
– Where she was when the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown incidents happened
– what would Makambe K. Simamba (writer and star of the production) and B Current Performing Arts would like the audience to remember after seeing the play
– Some words of encouragement and hope to the Black community

For more information about Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers And Little Brothers please click here.

You can find out more about Ms. Hernandez via:


You can find out more information about B Current Performing Arts via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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