Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Errol Lee

The Dr. Vibe Show: Errol Lee

Errol Lee

Errol Lee, the son of famed music producer Bunny Lee and singer Merlene Webber, was born in Jamaica. It was only natural that Errol would inherit his parents’ musical passion and talent. From an early age, Errol was immersed in the creative atmosphere of the world of music. Frequently, he would attend recording sessions and performances with his parents where he watched and learned from the pioneers of reggae music. He watched as his mother developed her singing career and his father produced albums for many talented reggae artists. As a little boy, Errol often could be found backstage mimicking the dance moves he saw and then inventing his own. His early exposure to the intricacies of the music business provided Errol with an extensive education in singing, dancing, recording, performing and producing.

Errol learned at an early age that his musical talents attracted a lot of attention and he was encouraged by the positive feedback he received. At a very young age, his brothers and cousins would take him to bars where he would sing and dance for money. He often could be found harmonizing with his mother, aunts and brothers as they entertained the neighbours from their veranda. At the age of twelve, his teacher asked Errol to write a Christmas song which he then performed on television and at his local school where he earned his first standing ovation. That was the beginning of his professional career.

During our conversation, Errol talks about:

– When he was growing up, how his grandmother was his main caregiver and taught him many lessons
– What did his parents instill in him
– His life growing up in Jamaica
– Why did he leave Jamaica and come to Canada and the adjustment of coming into Canada at nine years old without his parents
– His first musical performance in Canada when he realized that this was his passion at twelve years old
– Where and when his dedication to helping young people come from
– When did he decided to dedicated his life to the Lord and how it has changed him
– The importance of his sons in his life

You can connect with Errol via:

errol@errollee.com (Email)

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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