Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Karee Shea Walker “The Bee Leaf”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Karee Shea Walker “The Bee Leaf”

Karee Shea Walker

Karee Shea Walker is born and lives in Toronto, Canada. As an author, visual artist and creator she has produced a medium body of work in the areas of literature. She has designed a creative process over the past 12 years that moves audience through the themes of healing, building and inspiring through her personal creations. The Bee Leaf is her first release of children’s literature from Kareative Interlude.

Ms. Shea Walker says, “As a women, I am pleased you are supporting an uplifting story that speaks to ascending into one’s womanhood. This creative work has been very spiritual, empowering and cleansing for me all at the same time. Through completing this bookwork, I know that I want to be free in my creative process and to be real with myself to the audiences I share my blessings and gifts with. Everyday I breath life into what I feel, I strive to use my time wisely to make my true purpose come through to manifest my authentic self. How we live our life is all about perspective, I am grateful I have embraced my bountiful abilities and had this moment in my life to complete my first children’s bookwork. To create is inspiring. As an artist I have sculpted my vision and process to achieve my spiritual nature. Since I have the free will to do and do again, I am motivated to refine, review and reflect in order to attain prosperous outcomes in my connection with the audience. I am thankful for my ability to create inspiring artistry. I am thankful that you choose to open your mind to this story, the messages and the symbols of this book has to offer that can bring people together in wholeness, to reflect and be.”

Recently, Ms. Shea Walker was on our show. During our conversation, she talked about:

– Life growing up in Toronto including Imitating Chaka Chan when she was growing up and liking to read the dictionary when she was younger
– Where did she get her passion for arts and creativity and writing
– Why does she home school her children and how does she do it with her schedule
– Some background on The Bee Leaf and memory of holding the first copy
– How much of her story is part of The Bee Leaf
– The book’s impact of many people and how it has impacted her
– Some of the places and things that she has done to share the book with others
– Her recent book Mommy And Daddy Said
– The beliefs that younger and older Blacks have about themselves
– What she does to keep her belief positive
– The story behind Kreative Interlude
– A success along the journey
– A message for young people of color in regards to identity, creativity and inspiration
– What is in the future for Kreative Interlude

You can find out more about Ms. Shea Walker and Kreative Interlude:

Phone: (416) 724-1328

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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