Home BLACK CANADA TALKING™ The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Today At 5 P.M. Eastern/2 P.M. Pacific...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Today At 5 P.M. Eastern/2 P.M. Pacific – Black Canada Talking™

Louis March - Moy Fung - Anton James
Louis March - Moy Fung - Anton James

Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them.

On today’s edition of Black Canada Talking™, we will be hosting the conversation Gun Violence In Black Canadian Communities … What Is The Black Churches Role?.

The scheduled panelists for this conversation are: Moy Fung, Louis March and Anton James.

You can watch our conversation live today starting at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific via:

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/Thedrvibeshow

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thedrvibeshow

Moy Fung Headshot

Moy Fung is the Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Canadian Congress on Inclusive Diversity & Workplace Equity and the Founder/CEO, You Inspire Me Women Enterprise. For almost two decades, she has been creating social change through entrepreneurship, with a focus on the education and empowerment of women and minoritized and marginalized groups of people.

Driven by the quest for social justice and the needs and well-being of the disadvantaged, Moy leverages her numerous platforms and influence to teach on the importance of personal leadership, self-esteem, developing a godly character, honing entrepreneurial skills, and adopting a simpler lifestyle to achieve peace of mind, relational success, economic empowerment, and overall quality of life.

Moy is the author of Success Is a Journey, The Entrepreneur’s Handbook, and the founder of several brands, including You Inspire Me Women, Pray for the Men Global, and Moy Talks Online Show.

You can find out more about Ms. Fung via:

You Inspire Me Women Enterprise
Canadian Congress on Inclusive Diversity & Workplace Equity

Louis March
Louis March

Louis March, has been a volunteer community worker and advocate in the African Canadian community for over 30 years. His work has primarily focused on youth engagement and mentorship initiatives along with serving on various community organization Boards and Advisory Committees.

Most recently, Louis is the founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement, a collaboration of over 40 different community organizations, agencies and programs across the City of Toronto, committed to addressing structural and socio-economic conditions that contribute to the gun violence problem. The ZGVM is an awareness and advocacy movement that works across the City of Toronto to engage people and organizations that are truly committed to being a part of the solution to reducing gun violence and also building safe and healthy communities, not for some, but for all.

You can contact Louis via:

Zero Gun Violence Movement
Zero Gun Violence Movement – Facebook
Zero Gun Violence Movement – Twitter
Zero Gun Violence Movement – Instagram
Louis March – Twitter
Louis March – Facebook
Louis March – Instagram

Anton James
Anton James

Anton James is a son, brother and father of two amazing children, a 13 year old daughter and a soon to be 12 year old son. While, they both believe themselves to be in their mid-thirties at least, they effectively keep Anton sharp and active. He is the youngest of two brothers, both of us attending school out of country. After returning from the United States, Anton attended the University of Toronto.

Upon graduation, Anton was recruited by United Parcel Services (UPS) and was one of the four members of their Permanent Strategic Business Planning Team. While there, he developed and managed strategies, programs and projects and managed $100’s million and teams of up to 25.

After leaving UPS, Anton lead the Strategy and Marketing for Technology start-up, which grew to become Canada’s Fastest-Growing Company. Along the way, he won many awards and accolades, culminating in my invitation to the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland to discuss global competition.

After that technology start-up, Anton transitioned into consulting, some notable clients include Roger, Telus, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), and Autism Ontario etc.. At this point, he endured some personal shakeups, a divorce, but was blessed to secure full custody of my two children. As a result, he transitioned back into the corporate realm and led the Marketing / Sales / Strategy efforts for diverse industries including the Medical, SaaS, Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Not -For-Profit to name a few. While Anton continues to work in marketing, sales and strategy realms, he has been ramping up his hosting and moderating work, and currently host two national shows which engage, politicians, banking, technology and industry leaders, while the other show engages segment leaders in diverse sectors.

What distinguishes Anton is his ability to connect with people, my adaptability and my tenacity.

You can contact Anton via:

Anton James

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2020 Podcast News Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
2018 Innovation Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
One of the first Brand Ambassador’sCuisine Noir Magazine
Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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The Dr. Vibe Show™: The Home Of Epic Conversations™

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