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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Men And Masculinity – M&M Explores – MJ Durkin “Why Marriage ‘Kills’ Sex!”


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Michael J. Durkin is an author, speaker and dedicated maniac committed to the strengthening of Men, Women, Families and the Planet.

Self-Labeled as a “Contemporaneous Intuitive”, Michael specializes in working with live audiences and “downloads” answers, theology, wisdom and weaves his own personal experience into his teachings on Marriage, Business Success, Parenting, Fitness and overall Masculinity on request! He is passionate about keeping families together, making marriages joyful, giving children a place to grow and learn – and he is fan of putting the hot, seductive, alluring SEX back into Marriages where it belongs!

He is the author of 8 business books and has spoken in front of audiences as little as 6 people and as large as 26,000 people! He is the creator of the Men of Honor program which he hosts Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. Eastern from his studio in the back woods of CT. To date he has recorded over 190 half-hour messages on sex, honor, commitment, eating right, masculinity, getting a ripped and shredded body, romancing your wife and how to keep your mouth shut so that your marriage survives and possibly even thrives! The overall goal of the Men of Honor audios is to “help a Man be a better Man than he was yesterday!”

Michael Durkin has survived and re-built his life in the face of losing a daughter at birth, the collapse of a 20 year marriage, raising his oldest Son as an “only” Father for 14 years and having his youngest Son withheld from him for 7 years! His wisdom comes from a deep belief that God has a plan for his life and that his challenges have toughened him and developed him into a Man who can lead, counsel and teach other Men by revealing his experience, strength and hope.

Recently, MJ came on the show to talk about Why Marriage ‘Kills’ Sex!

During the conversation, MJ talked about:

– Some of his background including being adopted when he was born
– When did men’s work become part of his journey and how a men’s group helped him after being divorced by his wife after twenty years of marriage
– How do men think about sex and how do women think about sex
– Every man liking to be seduced
– The questions in every woman’s soul “Am I beautiful? Am I valuable? Do you see me? Am I a valuable person?”
– The man being responsible to be the proactive initiator of romance
– Marriage is a high stakes game there is a lot to loss if you do it wrong
– Most men are not being taught about romance
– Marriage taking the chase out of sex
– Love is a feeling, love is not a feeling for many men
– Men need to know themselves first before they get married
– Some of the challenges with marriage that men come to him with
– The 97% rule for men in marriage
– Men need to be generous with their words when they are speaking with women
– “When you build an awesome family, you build an awesome community, when you build an awesome community you build an awesome country, when you build an awesome country, if you build an awesome you can actually heal the world.”
– Some tactics for men that are married for improving their marriage
– His wish for men

You can find out more about MJ via:

Conversations With Men

You can find out more information about Men And Masculinity via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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