Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr.Vibe Show: Anthony Plummer "Jerk Festival 2011" – August 6, 2011...

The Dr.Vibe Show: Anthony Plummer "Jerk Festival 2011" – August 6, 2011 and August 7, 2011


CORRECTION: At the start of this interview, we said that Jerk Festival 2011 is being held on August 5, 2011 and August 6, 2011. This was incorrect. It is being held on August 7, 2011 and August 8, 2011. Our apologies.

On August 6th and August 7th, one of Festivals & Events Ontario “Top 100 Festivals”, Jerk Festival is being held in the Toronto area. This year is the festival’s tenth anniversary.

In this interview, we speak and share with one of the Jerk Festival’s organizers, Anthony Plummer. Before Anthony became involved with Jerk Festival, he was an event organizer in Jamaica.

Anthony shares with us how the festival started in 2000, what jerk cooking is, how the festival has grown and changed over the last ten years, the challenges of getting corporate sponsorship and highlights of this year’s festival, how there events and activities for everyone at this year’s festival and they used social media to market Jerk Festival 2011.

If you would like more information about Jerk Festival 2011, please go to:

http://jerkfestival.ca/ (Web)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jerkfest-Canadas-Jerk-Food-Festival/149430118462615 (Facebook)
@JerkFestival11 (Twitter)
http://www.youtube.com/user/jerkfestival (You Tube)

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Vibe and Vegas
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