Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr.Vibe Show: Roundtable – Usage Based Billing For The Internet In...

The Dr.Vibe Show: Roundtable – Usage Based Billing For The Internet In Canada


Usage Based Billing

Usage based billing for the internet has been one of the hottest topics in Canadian politics this year. Over 450,000 Canadians signed a petition against the Canadian Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) decision to implement usage based billing for the internet. This caused the Canadian government to threaten to overturn the CRTC’s ruling.

Colin Jobe and David Blackman join us in a discussion on usage based billing.

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Dr. Vibe
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  1. A billing software numbers invoices automatically. If you would like to edit the number, this can be done as well,but a new number for every invoice eliminates any cause of confusion. Several user accounts can also be created for a single system. For instance,restaurants have different food and beverage assistants, who all have different codes. Having to enter your code before making an invoice entry will enable the owner to know exactly which employee took care of which bill.

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