Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Black And Bold Voices™ “Black Music And Its...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Black And Bold Voices™ “Black Music And Its Impact On Black Leaders”


Black Music Replay Promo

Christopher Norris
Christopher Norris
Asa Khalif
Asa Khalif
Gregory Walker
Gregory Walker
Ogbonna Hagins
Ogbonna Hagins
Jonathan Shaw
Jonathan Shaw

Recently, in celebration of Black Music Month, Techbook Online Corporation®, Mr. Asa Khalif, Mr. Ogbonna Hagins and Mr. Gregory Walker and Jonathan O Shaw participated in an online discussion presented by Black And Bold Voices™ entitled Black Music And Its Impact On Black Leaders were panelists on The Dr. Vibe Show™ , 2012 Black Weblog Award Winner for Best International Blog. The discussion was hosted by the CEO of Techbook Online, Christopher “Flood The Drummer” Norris.

Mr. Asa Khalif, founder of Racial Unity USA, has a long history of activism and has lent his voice to numerous high-profile issues and causes. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Mr. Khalif biggest success in the music industry may have been when he successful challenged local radio stations to pull former Philadelphia 76er, Allen Iverson’s rap C.D, “40 bars,” out of rotation because it degraded women.

Since 2008, Mr. Gregory Walker has managed, curated, and coordinated more than 350 art and culture programs in Philadelphia organized under the banner of The Brothers’ Network, an award-winning nonprofit organization he founded in 2006. Mr. Walker’s life’s work is to engage and form communities around high art and culture through dialogue, discourse and storytelling.

Mr. Ogbonna Hagins is the former publisher of Philly Word Live Magazine, a publication once considered the final say in Hip-Hop. An activist and former teacher, Mr. Hagins currently runs an international recycling business and is the father of two black male classic musicians.

Jonathan O Shaw aka The Juiceman Jonathan Shaw is a pioneer in Toronto’s DJ’ing scene, entertaining audiences for over 25 years with his unique mix of R&B, Soul, Calypso, Reggae, Hip Hop, Rock, House and Dance music genres. At the age of 19, Jonathan was discovered by Barry Boothe and joined the Legendary TKO Sound Crew. He went on to become a recipient of the DJ Hall of Fame Stylus Award in 2008. In addition to his musical endeavours, Jonathan has been a keynote speaker at countless events and has been deeply involved in the wedding industry. Not only with his DJ skills, but as a Host/MC as well as consulting and planning. Outside of his musical talents, Jonathan has written, voiced and produced numerous commercials for a host of radio stations across North America and the Caribbean.

Jonathan has furthered his career by managing various aspects of radio production and is The Creative Director at G98.7 since its inception in 2011. He continues to be one of the most sought after artists in his field, providing professional services to a wide range of clientele

The panel discussed the following subjects:

What songs (their message) throughout Black history do you think had the greatest, most measurable impact on society?

Songs and melodies, to some degree, have always accompanied protests. Why do you think that is? And in your opinion, would the Civil-rights movement have been as effective if it was devoid of music?

As seen in SELMA, Martin Luther King, Jr. called upon Mahalia Jackson for inspiration. As leaders, what songs do you listen to for motivation and inspiration, and why?

The Uptown Theater was most famous when it was a part of the Chitlin Circuit, a network of theaters that promoted black performers during segregation. Concerning the Uptown’s future and the future of Black music in general, do you think, in the 21st century, venues are needed to support and promote black acts exclusively? And would that model be supported by an increasingly globalized market?

On rare occasions, black musicians have also become great business and community leaders. But more often that not, artists fail to understand the music business, particularly securing their publishing rights, and their responsibility to use art to transform society. Since you all are also business professionals, community leaders and artist in your own respect, what advice would you give to established and emerging musicians that will assist them in becoming better social and financial stewards?

This episode also features an exclusive interview with Linda Richardson, Executive Director, Uptown Entertainment Development Corporation, Re: Restoration of Uptown Theater.

Black And Bold Voices™, a quarterly, online town hall featuring black men around the world and the issues that unite them, is a collaboration between The Dr. Vibe Show, a podcast for black men and those that love them, and Techbook Online, a news event company that launched a campaign to improve media coverage and public perception of black men and boys.

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To access TABS 8 with more than seventy stories of impact , impact, issue, inspiration, and inspiration, click on the following link: http://techbookonline.com/tabs/TABS%20Vol%201%20Issue%208.pdf .

8 Edition Of TABS Cover

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
Producer of Google+ Hangouts – The Good Men Project
The Dr. Vibe Show At “The Good Men Project”
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Award Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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The Dr. Vibe Show – Info For Black Men And Those Who Love Them

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