Home BLACK MEN TALKING™ The Dr. Vibe Show™: Kenneth Braswell “Million Fathers March – September 27,...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Kenneth Braswell “Million Fathers March – September 27, 2019”


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Kenneth Braswell is the Chief Executive Officer of Fathers Incorporated, a widely recognized national and international nonprofit organization supporting fathers, practitioners, researchers, and policymakers that provides capacity building services to thousands of organizations working to ensure that fathers contribute to the healthy well-being of their children.

He brings 29 years of collective work experience managing and leading fatherhood and community programs. Additionally, he serves as the National Director of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearing House (NRFC) directing and guiding the strategic activities of the NRFC.

The Million Fathers March (MFM) is an opportunity for dads, uncles, grandfathers, coaches, mentors, clergy, men’s groups and organizations to show their commitment to the educational lives of their children throughout the school year by escorting children to school on this day.

Recently, Mr. Braswell was on own our show talking about Fathers Incorporated and the Million Fathers March which is being held on September 27, 2019.

During our conversation, Mr. Braswell talked about:

– Some of his background including being born in North Carolina, growing up in Brooklyn, getting married at twenty years old and having a child and that marriage ending
– What kept him going when he was a young man and how important his mother was in his younger days
– From six years old to fifteen years old spending his summers in North Carolina
– Starting his journey with community service in 1990
– How Fathers Incorporated started in 2004
– When did servant leadership become part of his journey
– the story behind the start of Fatherhood Incorporated and how his second daughter saved his life
– “Everybody has a plan until you are punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson
– “You do what you got to do with what you have until you get what you need to do more.”
– There being no such thing as a fatherless child
– The evolution of the services Fathers Incorporated offers
– Who are the clients of Fathers Incorporated
– “You serve people at their level of their need not the level of their desire.”
– Some of his thoughts on abortion, child support, Colin Kaepernick and civil rights
– “My biggest success today is that I ignored distractions.”
The Blueprint reimaging the the narrative of the modern dad
– The Million Fathers March on September 27, 2019
– His message about Fatherhood to women, kids and fathers

You can find more about the Million Fathers March via:


You can find out more information about Fathers Incorporated via:

Phone: (770) 804 – 9800

You can find out about Mr. Braswell via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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