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The Dr. Vibe Show™: LeRon Barton “How I Overcame My Fear Of Stuttering”


Writer and regular contributor to The Dr. Vibe Show™, LeRon L. Barton has stuttered since he was a child. Listen as he describes the challenges of having a speech impediment through college, in the workplace, and his personal life.

LeRon talks how he was able to conquer his fear of stuttering, leading to giving talks at universities, participating in workshops, facilitating panel discussions, and being a guest on national television

LeRon L. Barton is a writer from Kansas City, MO currently living in San Francisco, Ca. A graduate of Paseo Academy of Fine Arts, LeRon is the author of two books, “Straight Dope: A 360 degree look into American Drug Culture” and “All We Really Need Is Love: Stories of Dating, Relationships, Heartbreak, and Marriage.” In addition to the books, LeRon is an essayist; whose topics cover racism, mass incarceration, politics, gender, and dating. These works have appeared in Salon, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, East Bay Times, and MoAD.

As a young man, LeRon has had to live with a stutter. At times it was debilitating and confidence hindering, but he has learned to manage the stutter and not let it stop him taking on another passion: public speaking. LeRon has given talks and speeches at University of San Francisco, Glide Methodist Church, been a guest of Al Jazeera’s The Stream, Story Corp, Dr. Vibe’s Do You Know What Time It Is podcast, and has participated in panel discussions on race and prison recidivism. In his spare time LeRon mentors young men in San Francisco and loves to backpack around the world.

This talk was given at at the TEDxWilsonPark event in Florence, Alabama on September 8, 2018 using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

You can find out more about LeRon via:


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Dr. Vibe
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