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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Tonight At 9 P.M. Eastern/6 P.M. Pacific – Andrew Griffith “Diversity Votes”

Andrew Griffith

Diversity Votes aims to fill the gaps in understanding between Canada’s diverse communities, the media they listen to, read and watch, and how that can affect how they will cast their ballot in the upcoming federal election.

Canadians will be able to see demographic data at the riding level, focusing on majority-minority ridings. At the same time, news stories from these multicultural communities will discuss relevant issues about their communities and the federal election.

Combining demographic and socio-economic statistics from Canada’s majority-minority ridings, and an on-the-ground look at the ethnic media they engage with opens a door to appreciating the role of cross-cultural communication in politics. In 41 of Canada’s federal ridings visible minorities are the majority. In 93 more, they make up more than 20 percent of the voters. These are powerful communities who look and listen for their own voices in the media.

The Diversity Votes web site:

Educates – Provides an in-depth understanding of riding demographic, economic, social and political characteristics, and how these interact with electoral strategies.

Discusses – Creates wider awareness of how national and local issues are portrayed in community and regional ethnic media to increase accountability of ethnic-oriented media strategies.

Connects – Allows for more informed discussion regarding diverse Canadians’ voting patterns and issues and brings diverse voices into the national discourse.

Holds Accountable – Provides greater accountability for the messages that candidates and political parties are sending to different groups.

Andrew Griffith

Andrew Griffith of Diversity Votes will be live on our show tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific.

Andrew Griffith, author and immigration expert and MIREMS Ltd. – Multicultural International Research and Ethnic Media Services – bring decades of experience in Canada’s multicultural spheres. Together, they illustrate the power and potential diverse Canadian voters have, with information that has traditionally been hidden behind linguistic and bureaucratic barriers.

To watch tonight’s conversation live, please click here or here tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific.

All you need to do to listen to the conversation live is:

Desktop/Laptop: All you need to do is go to https://www.thedrvibeshow.com/ today at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific. Scroll down to the Mixlr player and click on the “>” symbol to the right of “Click To Play”.

Tablet/Smartphone: Desktop/Laptop: All you need to do is go to https://www.thedrvibeshow.com/ today at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific. Scroll down to the Mixlr player and click on the “>” symbol to the right of “Touch To Play”.

You can also provide your comments and questions during the event via Twitter (@drvibeshow#DrVibe) and at our Facebook Fan Page at “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page.

You can find out more information about Diversity Votes via:


You can find out more information about Mr. Griffith via:

Multicultural Meanderings

Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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